There’s nothing that kids love more than sweets at Christmas. Whether it be in their stockings on Christmas Day, or given as little treats throughout the festive season – chocolate and other tasty treats are a must. This year, why not swap the busy supermarkets and crammed shopping centres for our warmer and calmer atmosphere at Almondsbury Garden Centre?

When you think of sweet treats for children, a garden centre isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. However, along with all of our top-of-the-range gifts for adults, we also have an impressive range of kid’s sweets and chocolate to use as stocking fillers, or as delicious presents to give away on Christmas day.

From traditional large chocolate Father Christmas figures to tubes of smaller chocolate Christmas-themed pieces, our range of sweet things will make wonderful treats for your children.

Alongside the more traditional figures, we also have some gourmet hand-finished chocolate reindeers and Santa figures. Don’t just settle for supermarket chocolate this year. We have all you could need at the garden centre to fill those stockings with treats for everyone.

We are also stocking classic fizzy bottles in actual bottles, on sale at £5.95 each, alongside beer pint pots and cherry cola bottles, too. In addition to this, our range of candy canes and gingerbread men will give your kids something different this Christmastime. As well as fresh gingerbread men, if you’re looking for some fun presents to give to your children this Christmas, our Ninjabread Cookie, Samurai Santa and Gingerbread Man Decorating Kits will be perfect.

Of course, chocolate and sweets aren’t just for kids; all of our sweet treats are suitable for adults too. Why not embrace your inner-child and pick up some of our wonderful edibles for yourself? We’re also stocking gourmet boxes of chocolates, like our rose and violet creams, made with flavoured fondant and covered in luxurious chocolate. Perhaps coffee and chocolate are more your kind of thing? We have boxes of coffee creams on sale, too.

As well as all of this exciting chocolate and candy, we have some exquisite Christmas caramels decorated with wonderful festive patterns, on sale for only £1.99 each. Finally, our collection of high-quality Doffin Belgian mini chocolate bars offer up some exciting options. The beauty of the Doffin bars are that they are priced at £1.29 each. A fantastic deal if you’re looking for some indulgent chocolate this festive season.